Wednesday, February 25, 2009

By Request, A Re-Do

Due to a technical mishap I have lost several of my blogs and was asked to put the pictures of the  miniature flowers that I make in once again.  So here goes: flowers 1

 flowers 3  flowers 7 flowers 10

These at the bottom are yesterdays creations.


Iris 1 B    Iris 2 Iris 3   Touch of Elegance   




  1. I am beside myself with laughter
    And delight -
    Like a child sneaking up on Santa
    midst Christmas eve night -
    Your rhymes are like candy and
    popcorn and such -
    What Pleasure they give me and
    I thank you so much!
    GeeGee ...

  2. What a sweet flower collection. Those that follow your blog are such fans that it makes me smile to read what they say about you! You sound like such a delightful person I wanted to come by and introduce myself. My husband is from Bucks Harbor Maine and his brother lives in Portland. My husbands family owns Ingalls Island and we own a home not far from the island.
    We go there in the summer.
    I am sure you will do wonderfully blogging. The main problem I have is losing things or just plain not knowing how to do them. I struggle every single day. Today I lost the entire list of blogs that I follow..and had to redo it. My poor bottom is numb from being planted in this chair! :)
    I will drop by again soon.

  3. Oh Margaret I just love those flowers! I am so glad you added them back on your blog because it just livens it up! It makes me think of spring when I see them and how much work you put into them too. You are an amazing woman with magical fingers! Keep up the great work my friend...I love it!! Your loving cuz...

  4. Beautiful Irises! Some of my favourite flowers!

  5. Hi Margaret, This Kathleen from Millinocket. I love your flowers. Found you by way of your sweet cousin, Debbie. I didn't always live this far north, and am pretty familiar with Yarmouth. I love your poetry. You are a very talented woman......I think I can really enjoy myself here. I gotta tell you though, I adore the photos of the geese. They are just beautiful. It's so nice to meet you, come on by my blog sometime and say "HI". hugs, Kathleen
